ZIRP 2022 – Makale Çağrısı
Zagreb Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen Ulaştırma ve Trafik bilimleri alanında önde gelen konferanslardan birisi olan ZIRP 2022, 28-30 Eylül 2022 tarihinde Šibenik’de gerçekleştirilecektir.
Konferansın ana teması, “Covid-19 sonrası Ulaştırma ve Lojistikte Uzun Vadeli Sürdürülebilirlik” olacak. Konferans için gönderilerek kabul gören tüm bildiriler ile ilgili açıklama aşağıda yer almaktadır.
All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings „Transportation Research Procedia“ (Referenced in Scopus and WoS).
Conference Proceedings indexed in Scopus and Web of Science are published in English in “Transportation Research Procedia”, publishing house Elsevier BV (SJR 2019 = 0,657 comparable to the Q2 journals of the subject area “Social Sciences” of the field of study “Transport” (SA-Social Sciences (Transportation)).
Additionally, paper assessed by the Programme Committee as a significant contribution to science will be recommended for possible publication in accordance with the usual procedure in the journals:
- PROMET – Traffic & Transportation (Referenced in SCIE, WoS)
- Sustainability – Special Issue “The Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility” (Referenced in SCIE, WoS)
- Energies – Special Issue “Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Logistics” (Referenced in SCIE, WoS)
Deadline for papers submission – May 31th, 2022
Notification of Paper Acceptance – July 18th, 2022
Please find more details on the ZIRP website or our LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram!